We’d like to remind you of the upcoming inaugural Upshot League, which is starting Mon July 5th, and encouraging you to register and bring your friends along.
This is a new, innovative format that we are trying for the first time, but feel like it has a lot to offer for those looking to improve their game. Most people pay attention to improving their drives, or their putting, but don’t think to work on their upshots.
Each week will start with 15-20mins of instruction and practice about some element of upshots (e.g. choosing airspace, minimizing errors, etc), and will be led by some experts from the CDGC community. That will be followed each week by a fun competition where you throw various shots from different locations to different markers, with points assigned by how close you come to the markers. Points will accumulate from week to week to establish an individual handicap, and we’ll have a mini-tournament and winners at the end of the season.
It’s only $50 to register, for ten weeks of sessions, and you don’t have to make every Monday. And that $50 registration includes a mid-range disc from DiscFlow!
For more information, and to register, please check out the following link (https://calgarydiscgolf.wildapricot.org/event-4370034)
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the league coordinators, Mike Potter (docpiddy@gmail.com) or Trevor Livingstone (livingstone.trev@gmail.com).