- New Course Layout Details – Red Tee FAQ Sept 1, 2022
- Located at 9333 Scenic Bow Road NW. The parking lot is at the end of the road. Park in the West end of the parking lot.
- 51.101343 -114.218969
- 18 Mach 5 Baskets and 18 holes – 5367 feet – Par 56
- Concrete tee pads
- Established in 2011 after being and object course since ~1998
- Originally used steel tone targets which were moved to the Canmore Nordic Centre, and subsequently ended up at the Wayne course in Drumheller
- Home to Sunday Doubles during winter months
- Home to Wednesday Glow League and Friday Random Doubles Glow League
- Currently a new variation of the 18 holes course, complete with teepads, will be available and rotated throughout the season
- Determined in 2020 by UDisc to be the busiest course in Canada and the 9th busiest course in the world!
- Disc Golf Review Link
Drone flyover of the new Baker Red course
(courtesy Jeremy Ballantine)